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Selenium Nutritionist Q&A

2 Responses



November 02, 2022

Hi, I just read through your selenium material and have some concerns about my horse. He is a 16 year old shire draft horse MAY have EPSM (not diagnosed) because he lost weight and muscle tone last summer. It could be that other horses bullied him at feeding so he wan’t eating enough(that has been fixed!) He also tested positive for EPM last summer and was successfully treated. Since then, he has regularly tested negative for EPM. I have been giving him 5000 IU’s of vitamin E + 1.5 grams selenium supplementally daily since last summer, as per the vet recommendation . After reading the material, I am wondering if that is necessary as I recently changed his pelleted feed to a lower carbohydrate and higher fat feed, increased the amount of feed, and he is getting selenium through this complete feed. He is a backyard horse who gets timothy grass hay flakes; there is no grazing in my area. I am concerned about the supplementation causing selenium toxicity. Do you have any advice based on your knowledge of selenium and horses? Thank you,Jan
Horse Guard replied:

Thank you for the question. I believe your veterinarian probably recommended 1.5 mg selenium along with 5000 IU of vitamin E to be supplemented daily. Double check the label. At 1.5 mg of selenium and the size of your horse. He should be getting the right amount of selenium between his complete feed and supplements. For reference we recommend 3 mg in the total for 1,000 pound horse. In order to be certain, you should add up the amount of selenium and the pounds of complete feed you are feeding. For example, if you are feeding a feed that listed selenium at 0.3 ppm, and are feeding 2 pounds, your horse is getting 0.3 mg of selenium of that feed. Add that with the 1.5 mg from the supplement and your horse is only receiving 1.8 mg of selenium. If you are feeding 6.6 pounds of a 0.3 ppm your horse is getting 0.9 mg from the feed.

Let me know if I can help answer anymore questions.

Kelsey Johnson Nonella, Ph.D., PAS

Equine Nutritionist, Horse Guard, Inc.<>



June 06, 2022

Hi, I have 2 horses that are selenium toxic. I’m wondering if you have any information pertaining to dealing with this. Thanks
Horse Guard replied:
Hi Corrie, sorry to hear about your horses. If they are Selenium toxic I would remove all supplements containing Selenium until they test in normal ranges, as well as testing your hay. If your hay comes back high in Selenium I would look for a different source or hay from a different location If you reside in a place with Selenium accumulating soils. Provide lots of access to fresh water. Let us know I we can answer any more questions!

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